Thursday, November 15, 2012

Supplemental post - Food: Alpaca and Guinea Pig!

The food here is good - nobody is sick - and here are a few pics.

In Urubamba, Huacatay restaurant is recommended.  Here we are starting with soup - the upper left is apple soup topped with grilled prawns, and in the middle is a minestrone soup with a hint of chili.  Both were delicious:
I ordered the Alpaca tenderloin and it also was delicious - it tastes like beef or kangaroo:

The proof is in the eating:

In Aguas Caliente, we ate at the Tree House, the restaurant attached to our hotel, the Rupa Wasi.  Here I am eating Guinea Pig, a national dish of Peru.  The guinea pig tasted like pork but the texture was like chicken (lots of bones):

Again, the proof is in the eating:

Day 5 - Machu Picchu (2nd day)

We booked a second day at Machu Pichu and so the pictures are pretty much the same.  Starting with a 30-minute bus ride from Aguas Calientes we entered Machu Picchu again:
The entrance to the site:
And in:
Out and back down to the museum (not very impressive):
The walk back from the museum to Aguas Calientes:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 4 - Machu Picchu

Today we left the Sacred Valley and headed out by train to Aguas Calientes and Machu Picchu: