Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 3 - Salinas and Moray (Nov. 12, 2012

Still in the Sacred Valley area, we hired a taxi to view the salt beds of Salinas and the Incan terraced agricultural area known as Moray. Some of the sights along the way were amazing:
A view of the salt beds of Salinas from above as we approach:
Some of the people there:
Ryan and Judy decide to get right into it:
And a woman carrying a bag of salt from the beds:
The end of the (safe) path in the salt beds:
On the way to Moray, some highway obstacles:
The Andes are awesome:
At Moray, the Incans used a bowl-shaped terrace to grow crops and to see how they fared at different altitudes:
On the way back, a view from above Urubamba:
And a view of our hotel (Hotel Recoleta) from above:
A close-up of the hotel:
Back to the hotel, a picture of a 500-year old Cedar tree:
And off to Urubamba town and the market:
We went to a ceramics shop and while Judy was shopping I had some words with the natives:
They were struggling to understand my Spanish:
Judy in the main square in Urubamba:
Back at the hotel, Judy is looking for bargains:

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