Thursday, February 8, 2018

Auckland, New Zealand, February 8, 2018

Walking around in the neighborhood this morning.

Settlement in this area appears to be around the 1860's with the Bishop's House dated at 1965.

About 150 years of British settlements here. There is a major Christian presence as I spotted at least 5 large churches, including a Roman Catholic church, within a few blocks of our hotel.

 The view from the Bishop's House on top of the hill.

Another view from the Bishop's House.

After brunch we decided to take a ferry to Devonport, across the bay. Here's the Wikipedia page for Devonport, New Zealand.

Here's a picture of Mt. Victoria, a volcano.  Here's the Wikipedia page for Mt. Victoria.

A view back at Auckland from Devonport.

Climbing up Mt. Victoria.

A view from the top of Mt. Victoria.

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