Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sydney, Australia, Friday, February 16, 2018

Today we took a trip to the Blue Mountains, about 150 miles west of Sydney.  This range was named "Blue" because of the Eucalyptus tree vapors turning the distances a blue color.

Here's a close-up picture of the Three Sisters rock formation in the Blue Mountains.

A view of the distant Blue Mountains.

Pretty rough terrain.

Taking a cable car across the ravine.

They used to walk to the top of this one, but it's closed now.

In the railway car headed down into the ravine.

The track down.

They still mine coal in these parts, and the Chinese buy it.

An old coal mine.

 Luxurious vegetation in the valley.

A view upward.

Walking on the boardwalk in the ravine.

A sleeping koala.

 Another sleeping koala.

This koala is really tired.

A couple of penguins.

A kangaroo about to take a drink.

 A snake.

 A snake with his tongue out.

The snake is coming too close.  I think it's time to move...

This reptile is getting a good look at me.

Back from the Blue Mountains, near the Sydney Opera House at dusk for the start of the Chinese New Year of the Dog.

On the Opera House grounds with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background.

Sitting on the Opera House steps with a light show projected on its sails.

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