Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sydney, Australia, Thursday, February 15, 2018

 Today we decided to take a bus tour and explore the city of Sydney.  We came across a statue of Captain James Cook.

 The statue dates to 1879, exactly 100 years after his death.  He was 51 when he was killed in Hawaii.

A close-up of Captain Cook.

Arriving at the famous Bondi Beach strip.

Walking to Bondi Beach.

 A view of Bondi Beach on a Thursday late morning. Another gorgeous day and not a cloud in the sky. Pretty crowded! Several more Bondi Beach pictures follow.

Bondi Beach is pretty nice!

Stop for a drink at the Bucket List.

A view from the top of the hill with Bondi Beach in the distance.

Back in the central business district there's plenty of shopping.

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