Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sydney, Australia, February 14, 2018

 Arriving at the Sydney Opera House for our guided tour at 9am this morning.

 The front of the Sydney Opera House with the stairs leading in.

A view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge from the Opera House steps.

Inside, one of the smaller venues.

A view of the "sails" from inside.

 The main concert hall.

And the balcony.

 A closer look at the sails.

A close-up of the tiles making up the sails.

Our hotel, the Pier One by Marriott. We are now on the ferry to Manly Beach.

Sydney on the left, the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the center, and North Sydney on the right as we head to Manly Beach.

Arriving at the port at Manly Beach.

Between the port and Manly Beach there are streets lined with shops and restaurants.

 On our way to the beach.

 Arriving at Manly Beach.

 Some pictures of Manly Beach on a Wednesday afternoon.

A pretty nice day for the beach, temperatures in the low 80's and hardly a cloud in the sky.

Departing Manly Beach at the port, there is a smaller beach that is much calmer because it doesn't face the ocean, but faces inward toward Sydney Harbor.

A view of the Sydney Opera House from the ferry on the way back from Manly Beach.

As it was Valentine's Day, I took Judy to dinner at the revolving restaurant on top of the Sydney Tower. (You can see the shadow of the Sydney Tower at the lower right of this picture.) The Sydney Tower is the tallest building in Sydney. The view here is to the east, and Manly Beach is at the extreme left at the farthest distance.

As the restaurant rotated south, you can see Botany Bay in the distance. Botany Bay is where Captain Cook first landed and made claim to Australia on behalf of Britain in 1770.

 A view to the west-northwest shows the entrance to Darling Harbour in the left foreground, and the Parramatta River in the distance.

Finally, facing north, you can see the Sydney Harbour Bridge. A view of the Sydney Opera House is blocked by the large building on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, these are excellent pictures! That's pretty cool that you got a chance to stop by Bondi Beach! They have videos on youtube and I believe Netflix now as well for some of their beach rescues. I always show their AED resuscitation video in my lifeguarding class to show my participants what using an AED actually looks like. Looks like you had an excellent trip and thanks for sharing the pictures.
    -Vinny Riddle
