Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2012 Feb 21: Phuket, Thailand - Day 17

Another great day at The Old Phuket:
Today we rented a car and driver and decided to explore Phuket Island.  The first stop was at the Central Mall:

While in the mall on the third level, I bought an expresso. After drinking most of it, I set it down to take a picture, and when I returned to the coffee moments later, there was a big cockroach in the cup.  It's the first cockroach I've seen on this trip. 

Next we went to Wat Pra tong. The story is that the site was a pasture and one morning a young boy discovered the top of the gold Buddha protruding from the ground.  He tried to remove it, and shortly after he took sick and died.  Subsequently several other attempts were made to remove the Buddha from the ground and everyone who tried died in some fashion.  Here are some pictures:

As you can see, the Buddha is partially buried:

After Wat Pra Tong, we went to Patong Beach.  Patong is known to be the most decadent spot on the island.  Here are some pictures:

About 250 people died in the 2004 tsunami here:

Decadence previously mentioned, can you spot the ladyboys?

Next we went to Wat Chalong:

A view from the upper level:

And at the top (3rd) level, something behind 2 layers of glass:
Next we headed up the largest mountain along winding roads (at least they were paved) to get to the Big Buddha:

A view from the mountain top:

And the Big Buddha:

Up on the mountain:

Next we went to Gypsy Village, a fishing village at the south of the island:

Next we went to Cape Phromthep, the southernmost point on Phuket Island to watch the sunset:

All in all, another great day in Phuket, Thailand.

1 comment:

  1. Trip keeps getting better and better. The ladyboys were called "fafofenees" as I recall but the spelling is incorrect on my part. Great pics continue. Should have gone with you. John
