Friday, February 24, 2012

2012 Feb 24: Bangkok, Thailand - Day 20

Today was the last full day in Thailand, and therefore a day for shopping.  Thailand is notorious for gem scams, but one reliable place over 40 years in business is Johnny's Gems:
Some of the famous clientele over the years:
And a new famous client:

A break for lunch at the new Novotel hotel restaurant for the buffet:

Then back to Johnny's for some more serious business:

The sun sets on our last full day in Thailand, and we are in a Tuk-Tuk at the Great Swing.  Our flight leaves at 5:50am tomorrow morning Bangkok time. 
All in all a great time in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Burma.

1 comment:

  1. Every military guy I know used Johnny's Gems for jewelry. Princess rings were the big thing in the 60's and 70"s. Johnny is or was a multi millionaire .Guess you did not see my picture in the store. Every Sunday after church and breakfast we went to Johnny's for jewelry and thai beer. Well a great trip for you. Thanks for the blog and fly safe. 'all in all a super trip".John
