Wednesday, February 22, 2012

2012 Feb 22: Phuket, Thailand - Day 18

Today we booked seats on a speedboat to Ao Phang-Nga Marine National Park.  From the hotel we can see Big Buddha on the top of the mountain:
The speedboat:

Not good enough for Judy:
 That's better:

And off to the some 150 islands that are in the park:

A stop at the Muslim floating village:
Judy bought a pearl and silver ring for $20:

Then off to the next island:

To James Bond Island, named for the 1974 film "The Man with the Golden Gun:"

Off the boat to explore the island next to it:

A view of James Bond Island:

Moving on:

Then off the island and on to a raft to a cave that leads to two enclosed lagoons:

Inside the cave:

Out to the lagoon:

Into the next cave:

A jellyfish:

And away again:

To a beautiful beach to chill out for the rest of the afternoon:

Time to go home:

All in all, another great day in Phuket, Thailand.

1 comment:

  1. More super pics-I see the judge did buy a dress-or two -or three. Have a safe trip home. I have found that scotch and sleeping pills work good coming home-just not too much or either. Thanks for the blog.John
