Monday, February 6, 2012

2012 Feb 6: Thailand Day 2

Today is Buddha day. We visited some famous Buddha shrines: The Grand Palace and the Emerald Buddha, the 5-ton Gold Buddha (last seen by me only 41 years ago) and the giant Reclining Buddha.

Pictures from the Grand Palace:
The Emerald Buddha:
The 5-ton Gold Buddha:

And outside the temple of the Gold Buddha:

On the river boat to the giant reclining Buddha:

At the temple of the giant reclining Buddha:

The giant reclining Buddha:
In and around the temple complex:

Finishing the day with dinner:
All and all, another good day in Bangkok!

1 comment:

  1. Some of these Buddhas are looking quite familiar. Your pictures are really beautiful. I don't think my first comment got to you. If not, keep up the good work. You have raised the bar on blogs. Gail and John
